We visited my sister and her cute fam a few weekends ago
and I fell in love with how she had decked out her
dining table with pasty white nutcrackers.
So classic and understated but still fun and whimsical.
My sister bought hers at Goodwill, The Dollar Store, and Jo Ann Fabrics
and spray painted them with a glossy white.
West Elm used to sell these guys. Love the neutral look, probably would have hated the price tag. I'm thinking that I'm going to hoard these guys when they go on major clearance after Christmas at Michaels, etc. Next year (if i remember that I bought them!) I will give them a little spray job and throw them on the mantle or dining table.
West Elm
And if you like something a little more colorful, I saw these at Class and Trash the other day. They were in great shape $8 for the small guys and $10 for the big. They were so pretty I don't think I could have taken the old spray can to their cute little faces. Plus they have hair and I think spray painting fake hair is gross. Side Note: My sister removed the hair from hers. Also gross but totally necessary!
Class and Trash
$8 for small $10 for large
And for a shameless plug from Charles Emerson Designs (my new jewelry venture!)
This is our daily steal today...
On Sale for $22 here.

Happy Holidays Everyone!