Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Reader Re-do!

I can't tell you how fabulous it is when someone emails me to tell me they decided to tackle a project after reading this blog.  I'm still shocked anyone besides my family reads this thing so when a stranger reaches out to tell me they've been inspired I am so shocked thrilled!!!

Here's Scarlett's inspiring re-do!

She found an old TV stand, possibly from the late 70's early/mid 80's, at FanTastic Thrift for $1.98, bought some Sun Yellow spray paint by Krylon ($4 at Michaels with coupon!!) and turned an ugly duckling stand into a swan!!

BEFORE (yuck!):


Thanks SO much for sharing Scarlett!  Love the playfulness of the yellow!  Such a punch of color!  You really did such a fabulous job!  I'll be over shortly to help you put those Margarita glasses to use ;)

...And here's what I've been working on today.  The makeover is going pretty quickly so hopefully I will have an after picture this week! 


  1. Wow, it's gorgeous! What a creative use for an old TV stand - I'm impressed! :)

  2. Fun! You've inspired me as well! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Love the bright yellow! High 5 to her....and your makeover looks very promising! Can't wait to see it!

  4. I LOVE her color choice!! So bright and happy!!

  5. $2, wow! That is a lot of bang for her buck! Looks great.

  6. Wow, she did a good job. I love the color and you can't beat that price!
