Saturday, November 26, 2011

Chippendale Chairs- Take II

I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving!  We had a bunch of turkey's running around our house in the form of little children and had a blast with my family who were visiting from out of state. 

I wanted to give a little more info on my Chippendale bamboo chair makeover.

Remember my before and after:

I could not find a turquoise I liked in my main squeeze Rustoleum so I "cheated" on him and bought Valspar.  Ugh!  It was like I left George Clooney for Charlie Sheen.  Horrid!  I hate to be mean and diss a product but this was really a pain in my rear!  It was one of these:

Not sure of the exact name because I ditched them all before I wrote this post but I wouldn't have recommended it anyway!  I did like the color...when that color actually came out of the spray can.  About 20% of the time when I was expecting my turquoise to come out an army green would show up.  So annoying!  And I shook the living daylights out of it so I don't think that was to blame.  The spray button was tough on the digits too.  It was a nice finish and didn't drip but I will never buy that brand again...its Rustoleum or bust for me!

Anyone else had any problems with this spray paint before?


  1. In general, I don't love valspar paint. The traditional paint seems watery to me. As far as spray paint I always stick with Krylon or Rustoleum. They never treat me wrong :) But, I must say your chairs look great.

  2. The color turned out great I usually use the home depot spray paint that has the
    2x on it.

  3. No but don't get me started on Sherwin Williams.

  4. OMG, same here. I had one too many bad experiences with Valspar spray paint. I've had luck with the regular stuff but the spray, no way. Gorgeous color though!

  5. WOW! Ok so your chairs look amazing! Now as far as the spray paint...I'm so glad I read this post! I've been thinking about giving them a spin and you've just confirmed my fears so thanks for saving me the headeache and money! Also I just bought a can of Valspar's Duramax(?) Exterior paint for my front door and I'm already very displeased with the paint. In the can it looks thick but it's awful! I knew I'd have to paint a few coats but the second coat is as bad as the first. I'll NEVER use them again! Thanks for the heads up!

  6. Hi, I live in Midlothian and WANT some chinese chippendale chairs for my dining room. Where could I pick some up consignment do you think around here?
    P.S. you and my sister have the same kinds of interests/ tastes, etc. you should check out her blog: :)

  7. Hi, I live in Midlothian and WANT some chinese chippendale chairs for my dining room. Where could I pick some up consignment do you think around here?
    P.S. you and my sister have the same kinds of interests/ tastes, etc. you should check out her blog: :)
